Creativity as sparks of brilliance in dark times

5 min readOct 25, 2017

Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness. ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

More than ever, be creative. Now’s the time.

It is in dark times that we are most called upon to come through and shine.

How can one shine in dark times? Let your creative mind guide you to act on bringing about whatever you might’ve already have been dreaming about bringing into this world. If you’ve planned it, start it. If you’ve started it, finish it. If you’ve finished it, share it! If you’ve saved it and hidden it away, time to take it out!

When you’re going through dark times in your personal life or society is going through dark times, than this is the time you’re nobility is called upon. Do the good deed. Do the creative act. When you do it you bring light into others’. When you do creative things you expose your brilliance.

It takes a measure of courage to share your brilliance.

Darkness can come from so many sources — events, society, corporations, people.

If there’s negativity living in your home, hearts are hurting, the spirit is weighed down, life light is dimmed in all those suffering.

Light-dimming-darkness can come from our own pessimistic thoughts

Our family upbringings might include spirit-killing dysfunctionality.

Curiously enough, It’s difficulty and pain that is the alchemical process four our soul, purifying our leaded Ego and attachments to our golden enlightened, shining selves..

We must remember to shine the brightest we can when we are in the darkest times, the darkest places. It can be hard. So very hard when your heart is heavy. And that is when most you are called to lighten up, stand in your sacred center and shine.

With the negative conflicts leading up to the U.S. election of 2017, a lot of dark words came out, and dark acts and attitudes were brought out into the open. Bi-partisanship aside, a megalomaniac in power is not the most encouraging trend for America.

I was one of those U.S. citizens who was confounded by the election of #45. Many others were stunned and went into a depression. Others spoke in terms that darkness has descended upon the U.S. Dim outlooks upon dark times indeed.

If we were lucky enough, we heard the wise ones who knew better — they saw #45 as the shadow figure that he is. Whatever it is about him that triggers people to respond with negative thoughts, words and actions, he is simply reflecting back to us all that we each fear and hate, and we lash out in the world with our own brand of divisiveness, mud-slinging, misogyny, racism, exploitation, hatefulness, narrowness, whatever.

“Resist” has been the new slogan and tshirt catch phrase. Living the status quo is no longer enough — yes! We must resist apathy, complacency and a mind-state of denial — yes! We can’t just keep on pretending that everything around is fine. It’s time to wake up!

If Hillary had won, for those of us who wanted her to win, we would not have been woken up from our complacency. We would have gone on thinking “all is well in the world.”

And so for those of us who are rebels, or whose rebelliousness has been awakened, resistance has been expressed by marching in the streets. It might have been the simple ongoing act of boycotting “evil” corporations. And it may have been by taking a stand that others frown on (#Occupy, #WeStandWithStandingRock). Resistance also deprogramming from institutional programming/education, it’s resisting society-induced dull-mindedness. Resistance is living life with our eyes wide open, our minds bending and stretching to new awareness.

Resistance has now become the process of awakening! It is becoming awake and fully alive.

And this is where I say that to “resist” is to be awake, truly living, shining and being creative.

Being awake is shrugging all sleep, lethargy and denial, being fully aware of all truths — our truths, others’ truths — and that every present oxymoron — false truths — being aware of it all but living on in full integrity.

These are the times when we are really called up to awakening and shifting into alignment with your true nature and that of the harmony and balance of the cosmos.

Whenever dharma declines and the purpose of life is forgotten, I manifest myself on earth. I am born in every age to protect the good, to destroy evil, and to reestablish dharma. — Krishna, Bhagavad Gita

Shining is living life well, despite the darkness. Shining is coming from a place of Love, the universal kind, despite the world’s fears and hates.

Being brilliant is to create, in small to big ways, anything new in this world that brings about some sort of goodness into your life and others.

It’s time to be awake and to think expansive, contributing good stuff to humanity, Earth and the Cosmos.

For all the sh*t that’s happening in the world, there is so much more good that could take place and counter it.

When you stand in your sacred center and shine your Light, this is what it’s like coming into your own power!

So ask yourself, if you want to act on and bring about the creations you have dreamt up in your head but have put off for various reasons.

No matter how big or small, let your creativity come alive in this world.

Because what if “Be fruitful and multiply” really means bring as much love, joy, laughter, delight, healing, and smiles, into this world as you can.

Birth those little creative acts.

  • Say a little kindness
  • Compose that song
  • Draw that diagram
  • Write that book
  • Say that prayer
  • Design that mobile app
  • Plant that tree
  • Invent that new idea
  • Concoct that cure
  • Negotiate that peace treaty
  • Harvest those heirloom seeds
  • Mix up that essential oil
  • Record that speech
  • Sculpt that statue
  • Bake that cake
  • Pay it forward
  • You fill in the blank…

What do you do to be unexpectedly creative? Be proud that you can. And be brilliant—by doing it.

“If you think we can’t change the world, it just means you’re not one of those who will.” ― Jacque Fresco

If my words touched something inside you, your giving hands 👏 are welcome.

#creativity #creative #createnow #artist #subtle #change




mom, artist, writer, cultural activist—awakenings, connection, kinship, kapwa, decolonization, feminism, ancestral healing, pakikipagkapwa, & liberating madness